Aaron and I are completely overwhelmed by the instant response to our fundraising and in just 1 day we have already reached a quarter of our target!! THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Ellie has also been having a go a twittersphere fundraising - may have tweeted Richard Branson - He loves a good plane.  Also tried our fave band Jimmy Eat World. Worth a try!

Please keep telling people about what we are doing and if you have any other ideas of how we can smash our target, let us know!

I leave you with a message Aaron wrote yesterday;

I had wanted to go to Kenya this year as part of a medical outreach program, however this simply couldn't coexist with my commitments to my nursing degree - so Kenya will see me next year where I'll be a qualified registered nurse.

In the mean time, I'm helping raise money for the Kenya Fund with my dear sister by jumping out an aircraft...whilst it is flying through the air! Totally Cray Cray.

Any contributions are appreciated! The money goes towards projects round Makongeni and Muhaka in Kenya where I have previously visited; the people are sweet and welcoming but healthcare provision is pretty spotty so any help is gratefully received by local service users and healthcare professionals alike.

Aaron with a goat when he was in Kenya

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